15 Month Checkup

Weight - 25 lbs
Height - 28.5 inches

Yes, I do have a roly-poly baby. They told us we can stop supplementing now. :-D

We are hooked up with the eating specialist and have a woman assigned to Eric. She visits him once a week and we have been seeing an ES for 2 weeks now. Eric has another appointment tomorrow with her. Eric's pedi will also be recommending a speech therapist and we will be looking into more OT for Eric. He is about 3 months behind on his development and it is important to make sure he does not get further behind.

On the other hand, he is doing really well in other areas. We are teaching him sign language. He now knows Yes, Milk, Up, Yay, Good Job, and he waves for Hi. He says Mom, Dadda, Boo and Hi. He does try to say other words but hasn't quite mastered them yet. I gave him a bath this morning and had to wash his hair. He hates getting water on his face during a bath and of course got mad. He calmed down a little bit. I asked him if he was still mad at me and he signed yes very empatically. He is too cute.

Eric regressed a bit and decided he was going to learn crawling after all. We do think he is going to start walking soon since he has been trying to stand without support and he does it longer each time. Thankfully most of the house has been baby-proofed by now.

He has his own room now and he sleeps in his big boy bed. It isn't quite finished. I still need to finish the decor when it comes in. Eric has gotten better at sleeping at night with the exception of waking up when Cris gets home.

Eric is still throwing up and he has a minor surgery coming up near the end of the month. The surgery is just to look inside and do some tests to see what is going on and if there is any damage. We will have a better plan from there.

That's all for now. Eric is a very spirited boy and he keeps us on our toes. I hope to see most of you at the BBQ to catch up. Hopefully, the next pics will be of Eric walking. ;-)


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