Play Picnic

Eric did well today at the play picnic. He absolutely hates when certain foods touch him but we were able to work through that a bit today.

At first he gagged and vomited a small amount when I squished some food into his hand. Later, I was able to do it and while he didn't like it, he did tolerate without any gagging. Since he doesn't like food and beverages on him, he is learning to properly use his napkin, so win.

We did make a small, but significant change to the Graz method. According to their methods, we are act like it isn't a big deal if Eric eats or drinks. We've tried that in the past, offering food and drink without comment or reaction. It doesn't seem to work at all and in fact Eric stopped drinking completely. Eric is very responsive to positive reinforcement, happily doing something over and over again for claps and cheers.

Today, after not drinking anything for several months, Eric had some sips. Not just water, but tea with sugar and lemon. I was also able to smear cracker crumbs all over his face in play, as well as sneaking a couple on his lips.

Since we are giving Eric small amounts of food, he doesn't have to sit still for 30-45 minutes to prevent him from vomiting. This means we can remove most of his videos and eat at the table as a family. By feeding him at the table, he can begin to associate fullness with the table and mealtimes are now a social event.

A great deal of progress was made today and it gives me hope.


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