Fingers Crossed

It has been seven days since Eric stopped throwing up. He has never gone this long before. Two days has always been his record before. We are hoping to make more progress in getting him to eat. Normal for Eric is usually one or two vomits a day that usually consist of more than half of his 6 ounce meal.

Before we would try and then he would have a bad day of vomiting and would refuse to have anything to do with food. After the bad episode, we would have to start from Square One again. Right now he is reaching for the yogurt melts and little bits of fresh homemade bread (but not the grocery store bread, go figure). He still doesn't quite eat it. We are hoping that the more that time goes past, the less he will associate food with vomiting and pain.

We are needing less time in his chair. Right now he has to sit for an hour during mealtimes otherwise getting up too soon could trigger an episode. We are letting him watch videos during this time to keep him seated (The Wiggles are his favorite), which neither Cris nor I are happy with. We hope to wean him off the TV as soon as it is possible.

I think the Vita-Mix blenderized foods is making a significant difference. Eric is getting plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in his diet now that we do not have to rely on jarred baby foods. Their natural enzymes are helping to reduce the amount of reflux that he has. Another good thing is that Eric can now eat about 7 to 8 ounces in a sitting. This and that he is not vomiting what we give him, has made it so easier to get him to take in all of his calories.

An odd an happy coincidence, is when we put in a humidifier in his room. Eric is no longer coughing at night. Before, we knew that if Eric was coughing heavily in the morning, it was going to be a bad day. No matter what, he was going to throw up, and excessively at that. While we have a whole house humidifier, the one in Eric's room made the difference.

On the advice of his speech therapist, we have gotten Eric some Chewy Tubes and a Jiggler. These are therapy tools to help him with his speech development. Eric does try to talk now, but because he is not eating and strengthening the muscles used for speech, it is harder for him to make the right sounds.

We've had to wait a bit more until continuing the potty training since Cris brought home some stomach bugs. We'll try again after the holidays and things are a little less hectic.


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