March 12th Surgery went well

Eric has another EGD procedure today and it went well. A lot less stress this time around, other than getting up before 5am to be out the door by 6am. Dr. Greenfield did this procedure, just like the last one, and he said no serious damage to Eric's esophagus that he could tell. We will have to wait on the biopsy results which will take about a week. We are home now and Eric is still sleeping, just like a little angel.

Technical details: an EGD is called an Esophagogastroduodenoscopy where the upper GI tract (esophagus and stomach) is examined with a small fiber optic scope and a few biopsy samples are taken. Here is a link with more information: Why the surgery? Children and adults with severe GERDS, such as Eric, need to have some regular follow up exams to make sure everything is okay. While the nissen fundoplication does reduce his vomiting, Eric still refluxes quite a bit. Over time this can and does damage the esophagus and can even potentially cause some cancers. It has now been a year and 9 days since Eric had the nissen done. Hopefully, it will hopefully be a while before he needs another EGD again, if everything is clear on this one.

Eric did surprise the anesthesiologist by waking up very quickly after the general anesthia was stopped... before we even got to the post op area. Eric was supposed to wake up slowly and gradually....yeah right! Instead, he woke up fast where he was very grumpy, as to be expected, and needed to be held for quite a bit. After an hour and a half of snuggling on Joanna, and sleeping, he was finally ready to be discharged from the hospital. For some reason, the hospital likes to make sure everything is fine before discharging patients....something we are quite fine with.

We are definitely glad to be home and have Eric resting.


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