Slow Progress Is Still Progress

Right now we are at giving Eric three feeds in the middle of the night. 1 (8 oz.) bottle of Pedialyte and 2 (8 oz.) bottles of food to total about 1000 calories. This a total of 24 oz. Eric is learning how to pour water into a cup and drink it. For the first time in his life he is drinking several ounces of water at a sitting, several times a day. He is also starting to taste. He has drunk lemonade and Pedialyte, and keeps coming back for more. This has been consistent and increasing all of the time. He is starting to open his mouth for flavors, even when it is obvious it is not water. Today, he even had some V-8. Just a sip, but he did try.

We were giving Eric 78 oz of liquids a day. While his diapers are no longer being flooded, Eric is still peeing, in good spirits, and shows absolutely no signs of dehydration. Instead of getting the tube, Eric is getting his hydration by mouth, which is exactly what we want him to learn! We are making so much progress!

It is a painfully slow process, so much slower that we had hoped. BUT, everyday, Eric continues to surprise and amaze us. The trick is to go at his pace and keep offering.


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